




Upcoming events



Past events

Michalle Gal: Design, Rationalism, and The Visual Turn

Link to the description of the talk

Link to the recording (TBA)

Laura Murguía Sánchez and Lenka Balážová: Light as the Medium of Space

Link to the description of the talk

Link to the recording (TBA)

Beneah Shapaya and Clinton Kihima: An Exploration of Ideological Influences in African Film

Link to the description of the talk

Link to the recording (TBA)

Matilde Carrasco Barranco: Beauty, Anger and Artistic Activism

Lukáš Pilka (ČR): Využitie počítačového videnia na ikonografickú analýzu klasického stredoeurópskeho umenia

Link to the talk description

Link to the recording

Laia Anguix (Spain): But… is this Art? Exhibiting the Contemporary

Link to the talk description

Link to the recording

Alessandro Bertinetto (Italy): Photographic Improvisation

Link to the talk description

Link to the recording

Michael Lucas (USA): American Architecture: Between Halloween and Thanksgiving

Link to the talk description

Link to the recording 

Yevheniia Butsykina: Public and Private in a Post-Soviet City: Aesthetic Aspects

Link to recording 

Swantje Martach: To See or Not to See, This is Not the Question: A Speculative Realist Account of Beauty 

Link to recording 

Lisa Giombini:  Too Good to be True. Plagiarism, Authenticity and the Arts

Description, photos and recording on the link

Tufan Acil: Media Transformations and Convergences

Description, photos and recording on the link

Jana Sošková: Estetické názory a filozofia umenia slovenského filozofa Svätopluka Štúra

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